*** A CCSA Study System that WORKS! ***

*** 1800 copies sold in 100 countries***


Web Portal version

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McKeever CCSA Study System with Practice Test Internet Portal - Overview Page 

John McKeever

John J. McKeever
John McKeever has assisted 100s of people to pass the IIA CCSA Exam using "McKeever CCSA Study System", "McKeever CCSA Practice Test", on-site training, and consulting. Click for full resume

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John has compiled in the "McKeever CCSA Study System - Second Edition" a unique interactive study system available in CD-ROM, workbook, and Internet Portal formats to help those serious about passing the IIA CCSA exam.  These product have been used by 100's in 80 countries to pass the CCSA exam.

The McKeever CCSA Study System self-study versions contain the same information used in the on-site CCSA Review Course offered by the Institute of Internal Auditors.

We hope you decide to purchase a copy of the McKeever CCSA Study System to help you pass the CCSA Exam or to use as a reference for applying CSA principles.

Click here for a Sample of the CCSA Self-service Internet Portal and CD

Click here for a Sample of the CCSA Workbook

Click here for information about the McKeever CCSA Practice Test Online

Click here for On-site and Conference Versions

What Users of McKeever Self-study CCSA Study System say

What Attendees at John McKeever Seminars say

Licensing for the McKeever CCSA Study System

The McKeever CCSA Study System is available as a workbook, CD-ROM, and Internet Portal.

The workbook and CD-ROM versions are used as you would a book - one user at a time.

With licensing for the CD-ROM or Internet Portal you may print one copy of the workbook from the Acrobat PDF file copy that is included.

When a user has completed using the McKeever CCSA Study System that user may transfer all material to another user as part of this licensing without addition fee.

With licensing for the CD-ROM or Internet Portal a user can share this resource with others by printing additional paper copies by paying online a fee of $75 for each additional paper copy at www.pleier.com.

Instructions for using the McKeever CCSA Study System

Click on any words that are underlined like the wording Domain 1 - CSA Fundamentals to go to that particular information.

In each module you will find a description of the domain covered in that module.  You will also find sample questions with answers and explanations. 

stop sign

When you see the red stop sign like above you will be asked to answer a question or questions to test your understanding of what you read.  When you decide on each answer click the link provided to check the accuracy of your answer.  When your review is complete click the BACK button of your browser to return to the module you were studying.

In addition to studying the 137 sample questions with answers and explanations within the modules we recommend that you study all of the 167 questions found in the Application Questions module after you complete your study of all other modules. 

Click the link that follows the question to check the accuracy of your answer. 

After reviewing the accuracy of your answer click the BACK button of your browser to return to the Application Questions.

At the end of each module you can click the BACK button of your browser to return to this Overview Page.

Note: The size of the lettering that you are seeing on the screen depends on your browser settings. To change the size of the lettering when using Internet Explorer or FireFox select View > Text Size.

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The McKeever CCSA Study System

Click her to skip to the McKeever CCSA Practice Test - also sold separately

Course Overview

The Certification in Control Self-Assessment® (CCSA®) is a specialty certification program offered by The Institute of Internal Auditors (The IIA). It is designed for all practitioners of Control Self-Assessment (CSA) – not only internal auditors.  Gaining the required knowledge of areas such as risk and control models - often considered the realm of auditors only - exposes CSA practitioners from all backgrounds to the concepts that are vital in effectively using CSA to help clients achieve their objectives. 

At the end of this module, the participant will:

•    understand about the IIA CCSA Exam

•    understand about McKeever CCSA Study System

•    learn how to Study for the CCSA Exam

•    be more comfortable addressing the CCSA exam questions

Domain 1 - CSA Fundamentals

The objective of this module is to better prepare the participant to pass the Certification in Control Self-Assessment examination by discussing and analyzing the technical dimensions of this domain and discussing techniques to best manage multiple-choice questions about CSA Fundamentals. 

At the end of this module, the participant will understand about CSA and:

•    Code of Ethics

•    Ownership and accountability for control

•    Reliance on operational expertise

•    Comparison to traditional techniques of risk and control evaluation

•    Control awareness and education

•    Cooperation, participation, and partnership

Domain 2 - CSA Program Integration

The objective of this module is to better prepare the participant to pass the Certification in Control Self-Assessment examination by discussing and analyzing the technical dimensions of this domain and discussing techniques to best manage multiple-choice questions about CSA Program Integration.

At the end of this module, the participant will understand about CSA and:

•    Alternative approaches to CSA

•    Cost / benefit analysis for implementation of the CSA process

•    Strategic CSA program planning methodologies or techniques, including resource allocation

•    Organizational theory and behavior

•    Change management and business process reengineering

•    Presentation techniques for successful integration

•    Client feedback mechanisms (e.g. interviews, surveys)

Click here to review John J. McKeever's article from the CSA Sentinel

Domain 3 - Elements of the CSA Process

The objective of this module is to better prepare the participant to pass the Certification in Control Self-Assessment examination by discussing and analyzing the technical dimensions of this domain and discussing techniques to best manage multiple choice-questions about Elements of the CSA Process. 

At the end of this module, the participant will understand about CSA and:

•    Management's priorities and concerns

•    Project and logistics management

•    Business objectives, processes, challenges, and threats for the area under review

•    Resource identification and allocation of participants and CSA team

•    Culture of area under review

•    Question development techniques

•    Technology supporting the CSA process

•    Facilitation techniques and tools

•    Group dynamics

•    Fraud awareness

•    Evaluation / analytical tools and techniques

•    Formulating recommendations or actions plans

•    Nature of evidence

•    Reporting techniques and considerations

•    Motivational techniques

•    Monitoring, tracking, and follow-up techniques

•    Awareness of legal, regulatory, and ethical considerations

Domain 4:  Business Objectives & Organizational Performance

The objective of this module is to better prepare the participant to pass the Certification in Control Self-Assessment examination by discussing and analyzing the technical dimensions of this domain and discussing techniques to best manage multiple-choice questions about Business Objectives & Organizational Performance.  

At the end of this module, the participant will understand about CSA and:

•    Strategic and operational planning processes

•    Objective setting, including alignment to the organization's mission and values

•    Performance measures

•    Performance management

•    Data collection and validation techniques

Domain 5 – Risk Identification & Assessment

The objective of this module is to better prepare the participant to pass the Certification in Control Self-Assessment examination by discussing and analyzing the technical dimensions of this domain and discussing techniques to best manage multiple-choice questions about Risk Identification & Assessment. 

At the end of this module, the participant will understand about CSA and:

•    Risk Theory

•    Risk models / frameworks

•    Risk management techniques / cost-benefit analysis

•    Using CSA in Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

Domain 6 - Control Theory and Application

The objective of this module is to better prepare the participant to pass the Certification in Control Self-Assessment examination by discussing and analyzing the technical dimensions of this domain and discussing techniques to best manage multiple-choice questions about Control Theory and Application. 

At the end of this module, the participant will understand about CSA and:

•    Corporate governance, control theory, and models

•    Methods for judging and communicating the overall effectiveness of the system of internal control

•    Relationship between informal and formal controls

•    Techniques for evaluating formal controls

•    Techniques for evaluating informal controls and control environments

•    Control documentation techniques

•    Control design and application

•    Techniques for determining control history for the organization

Suggested References


Application Questions

Application Questions, Answers & Explanations

The McKeever CCSA Practice Test - also sold separately

CCSA Practice Test (suggest use after studying the information in the domains and using the Application Questions)

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Thank you for considering purchasing a copy of the McKeever CCSA Study System to help you pass the CCSA Exam or to use as a reference for applying CSA principles.

Please tell others about this resource.

Thank you,

Joseph R Pleier

Pleier Corporation